8 Random Things


I’ve been tagged more than once so I think I should bore you with my eight random things, but before I do here are the rules:

The Rules

  • You have to post these rules before giving your facts.
  • Players state eight random facts/habits about themselves.
  • At the end of the blog post, you tag eight people and list their names. (Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.)
  • People who are tagged need to write about their eight things on their own blog and also post these rules.

With that over and done with, here goes…

  1. When I was 8 I left my SuperTed teddy at The Natural History Museum and cried all the way home when my friends Dad said we couldn’t go back to get him, I think I left him with the Neanderthals. I’m not sure I’ve ever totally got over this.
  2. I have a trophy for coming first in a BMX race as a member of Wordsley BMX Club, however there was only me racing in my class.
  3. I hate spammers and think I should build a web app so people can muddy their data/contact form with incorrect contact details.
  4. I have scored a goal from the half-way line while playing for my school against Wolverhampton Grammar School, something even Pelé didn’t manage I might add, though the level of opposition may have been a factor.
  5. I have no patience for DIY especially flat pack furniture, it has got so bad that the family go out when I have something to build and don’t come back till it’s done, go figure.
  6. My Granddad designed the wheels/tyres for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
  7. I passed my BTEC National in Art and Design at Matthew Boulton College with a Distinction and was named student of the year by the companies sponsoring the course – however I spent most of the time in the pub playing pool – for this I feel quite guilty, but not too much.
  8. My first exposure to the Internet was through CompuServe around 1991 surprisingly I actually liked it.
  9. I can’t count and don’t like rules.

I told you I would bore you!

Right who to tag, hmm

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