Doing my bit for the environment


I’ve recently bought a bike to cycle to work with the intention of getting rid of my beer gut. Since starting to cycle to work I’ve become quite conscience about how I’m not contributing to the pollution levels and feel I’m doing my bit for our planet – don’t worry I won’t be hijacking any whaling boats in the Antarctic.

Apart from dodging the White Van Men and Chelsea Tractors it’s been quite easy to get into considering I’ve not cycled for 15 years. I would recommend it to anyone who sits behind a computer all day and doesn’t get much exercise.

4 thoughts on “Doing my bit for the environment

  1. “I’ve recently bought a bike to cycle to work with the intention of getting rid of my beer gut.”

    I’m sure those Multipack meetings won’t help you then!!?? Will you be on the juice next time to combat your “beer gut”?

    Fair play to you though fella. I would cycle to work but it’s a tad too far travelling all the way through Birmingham from Walsall to Solihull. I’d probably be better off staying in the car instead of inhaling all those commuter’s fumes.

  2. I’m sure those Multipack meetings won’t help you then!!?? Will you be on the juice next time to combat your “beer gut”?


    Fair play to you though fella. I would cycle to work but it’s a tad too far travelling all the way through Birmingham from Walsall to Solihull. I’d probably be better off staying in the car instead of inhaling all those commuter’s fumes.

    You could always catch the train between?

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